Pra Inglês Ver

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Primeira festa do Groselha de 2006 rolará dia 18/02, sábado, em novo local - Bangalô Lounge & Bar (atrás da UNIP).Edição 'Summer Fuzz', onde daremos mais ênfase à discotecagem, contanto com os djs ANDY CUMMING (Tutu), STUDIO11 (Rádio Unifran, Franca), LARANJUDA (Groselha) e TIAGO FUZZ (Groselha).Para agitar o palco, convidamos a banda SANTA CLAUS (São Paulo-SP), que faz um electro-punk dançante recheado de distorções e batidas eletrônicas.Coisa fina!•

GROSELHA SUMMER FUZZ, No Bangalô •SÁBADO, dia 18/02 - 22 horas

com os DJS:
STUDIO 11 (Franca - SP)
LARANJUDA (Groselha)
TIAGO FUZZ (Groselha)

e show: SANTA CLAUS (São paulo - SP)
para ouvir:

Local: Bangalô Lounge & Bar
R. Magda Perona Frossard, 770 - Ribeirão preto - SP

For the non-portuguese speakers, I'll be in the Bangalô bar on saturday playing indie and danceable rock to the masses, so expect lots of Whitey, Glimmers, Soulwax, DFA, Whomadewho, Não Wave types of grooves and I'll have to play the great
sons and daughters - dance me in (jd twitch and the truffle club optimo mix) which I found at the equally great
Daughters of invention blog.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Hopefully lots of Campinas based shenanigans this Saturday night at Clube Informal.
Danilo and Ferriani will no doubt play their oh so good-taste well-mixed house music and then I shall stumble in like a one-legged drunk man in a dainty crystal shop and play badly-mixed rude-boy rock, baile funk and other trivial genres, ruining it for everyone.

clube informal
rua Santo Antonio Claret, 150 Castelo Campinas SP