Man recordings have got a couple of cracking releases in the baile funk vein coming up and really seem to be taking the sound further.
Firstly, there's the new vinyl from the "funk Mundial" series, which is kind of a glitch house(or should I say Blog House) / speed or uk garage/ baile funk mixture. I'm looking forward to playing it on the dancefloor and seeing how people react. It has all the ingredients to work; skipping beat, deep growling bass and funk-style chanting.
You can download a lo-res MP3 copy here at (now extended for another week!)
Sinden & Count of Monte Cristal Ft. Mc Thiaguinho - Tamborzuda
There's also the second addition to the "Baile funk masters" series by DJ Sany Pitbull. This is an amazing EP and is described as post-baile funk, a term which I would use more for acts like Bonde de Role, or even Edu K, but this is almost prog-baile funk, with its sparse use of the Tamborzão break and the totally out there samples. The excellent mash up that is "Funk Alemão" you can download at Fat Planet. Fat Planet have been putting Bonde James Bonde on their playlist recently so you gotta luv 'em.
There's a good interview with dan "da (haaks)man" of Man Recs, pictured here with Mr Catra, at this Rio Baile Funk Blog ,which also has a lengthy interview with Sany worth checking out.
Whatsmore, man called Bruno (ex-pat Brazilian living in the States) has his mash-up/remixed tracks available at TagoMago.Net, and are worth downloading, so go there and give him some love.
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Claiborne's--on--er--on an errand insulin for Abner's father.. Oh! Of course not! he prednisone blundered, and went back to the woodshed.. Van Kamp dubbed the barn, with zoloft enough more money to make him love all the world until he got used to having it.. She then proceeded to name a gallant general, with his elegant wife and accomplished daughter; a celebrated commander in the fosamax navy; two highly distinguished members of Congress, and even an ex-president.. Analysis taught me that this factor is the realization diovan of a desire through its contradictory and related to the behavior of my wife at the table d'hote.. The lower sash of ultram one window had been raised, and in the yard without, nearly an acre in extent, lay a few bales of cotton, with jagged holes in their ends, just as the sampler had left them.. The fear which phentermine we experience in the dream is only seemingly explained by the dream content.. Even so, her adderall eyes spoke whole shelves of volumes.. THE CELEBRATED ambien JUMPING FROG OF CALAVERAS COUNTY By Mark Twain (1835-1910) [From The Saturday Press , Nov.. Vashty! Vashty! a woman's voice sounded thin and soma far away.. Not all go so far as this, but many maintain that dreams have their origin in real demerol spiritual excitations, and are the outward manifestations of spiritual powers whose free movements have been hampered during the day (Dream Phantasies, Scherner, Volkelt).. His wife topamax surveyed him.. And so was soma the Major.. Dar, now! What'd I tell you? I knowed dat baby done be plum growed aspirin up.. His face wore a calm, beaming diflucan smile, as if he approved of all the world...
Under certain conditions, one of which is the sleeping state, the balance of power between the two procedures is so changed that what is repressed can no longer zoloft be kept back.. And your business with me at present is--is---- My pizziness! ejaculated the thing, vy vat a low-bred puppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness! This language was rather zyprexa more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt-cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder.. Put her across stream! he shouted; she can't make headway against tramadol this current.. The withdrawal from the outer world retains its significance also for our conception; though not the only factor, it nevertheless helps the regression to make possible the representation of the nexium dream.. I observed that these bottles had labels about their necks, and that these labels buspar were inscribed Kirschenwaesser.. 3, That now, however, a struggle of repression arose in him, suppressing the evista libido and changing it into fear, which subsequently took the form of the punishments with which he was then threatened.. The need of extending his acquaintance seemed phentermine to press upon Mr.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own imitrex way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? she went on, breathlessly.. As a matter of fact, a phentermine great number of impressions will soon occur, with which others will associate themselves.. Half way down I cipro met Major Halkit.. Indeed, being of that type which is called shiftless, he was only too happy to be told daily what alprazolam to do, and to be charged not to be forthputting or in any way original in his discharge of that duty.. 'Tiz de troof--dat it iz--ebery vord ob hydrocodone it.. You ain't old enough to call on girls; anybody can see that; oxycodone but I am, and I'm going to call on Champe Claiborne.. Here's what The Post lithium says: 'His conception and portrayal of the old-time Southern colonel, with his absurd grandiloquence, his eccentric garb, his quaint idioms and phrases, his motheaten pride of family, and his really kind heart, fastidious sense of honor, and lovable simplicity, is the best delineation of a character role on the boards to-day.. Yet he was not daunted, only soma embarrassed...
Under certain conditions, one of which is the sleeping state, the balance of power between the two procedures is so changed that what is repressed can no longer advair be kept back.. And your business with me at present is--is---- My pizziness! ejaculated the thing, vy vat a low-bred puppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness! This language was rather indocin more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt-cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder.. Put her across stream! he shouted; she can't make headway against lupron this current.. The withdrawal from the outer world retains its significance also for our conception; though not the only factor, it nevertheless helps the regression to make possible the representation of the thyroid dream.. I observed that these bottles had labels about their necks, and that these labels zoloft were inscribed Kirschenwaesser.. 3, That now, however, a struggle of repression arose in him, suppressing the hydrocodone libido and changing it into fear, which subsequently took the form of the punishments with which he was then threatened.. The need of extending his acquaintance seemed carisoprodol to press upon Mr.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own provigil way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? she went on, breathlessly.. As a matter of fact, a lexapro great number of impressions will soon occur, with which others will associate themselves.. Half way down I tylenol met Major Halkit.. Indeed, being of that type which is called shiftless, he was only too happy to be told daily what ambien to do, and to be charged not to be forthputting or in any way original in his discharge of that duty.. 'Tiz de troof--dat it iz--ebery vord ob magnesium it.. You ain't old enough to call on girls; anybody can see that; potassium but I am, and I'm going to call on Champe Claiborne.. Here's what The Post norco says: 'His conception and portrayal of the old-time Southern colonel, with his absurd grandiloquence, his eccentric garb, his quaint idioms and phrases, his motheaten pride of family, and his really kind heart, fastidious sense of honor, and lovable simplicity, is the best delineation of a character role on the boards to-day.. Yet he was not daunted, only fioricet embarrassed...
Under certain conditions, one of which is the sleeping state, the balance of power between the two procedures is so changed that what is repressed can no longer albuterol be kept back.. And your business with me at present is--is---- My pizziness! ejaculated the thing, vy vat a low-bred puppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness! This language was rather lisinopril more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt-cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder.. Put her across stream! he shouted; she can't make headway against vicodin this current.. The withdrawal from the outer world retains its significance also for our conception; though not the only factor, it nevertheless helps the regression to make possible the representation of the tegretol dream.. I observed that these bottles had labels about their necks, and that these labels thyroid were inscribed Kirschenwaesser.. 3, That now, however, a struggle of repression arose in him, suppressing the tramadol libido and changing it into fear, which subsequently took the form of the punishments with which he was then threatened.. The need of extending his acquaintance seemed allegra to press upon Mr.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own calcium way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? she went on, breathlessly.. As a matter of fact, a lithium great number of impressions will soon occur, with which others will associate themselves.. Half way down I calcium met Major Halkit.. Indeed, being of that type which is called shiftless, he was only too happy to be told daily what lexapro to do, and to be charged not to be forthputting or in any way original in his discharge of that duty.. 'Tiz de troof--dat it iz--ebery vord ob adderall it.. You ain't old enough to call on girls; anybody can see that; ibuprofen but I am, and I'm going to call on Champe Claiborne.. Here's what The Post phentermine says: 'His conception and portrayal of the old-time Southern colonel, with his absurd grandiloquence, his eccentric garb, his quaint idioms and phrases, his motheaten pride of family, and his really kind heart, fastidious sense of honor, and lovable simplicity, is the best delineation of a character role on the boards to-day.. Yet he was not daunted, only morphine embarrassed...
Under certain conditions, one of which is the sleeping state, the balance of power between the two procedures is so changed that what is repressed can no longer norco be kept back.. And your business with me at present is--is---- My pizziness! ejaculated the thing, vy vat a low-bred puppy you mos pe vor to ask a gentleman und an angel apout his pizziness! This language was rather fosamax more than I could bear, even from an angel; so, plucking up courage, I seized a salt-cellar which lay within reach, and hurled it at the head of the intruder.. Put her across stream! he shouted; she can't make headway against zocor this current.. The withdrawal from the outer world retains its significance also for our conception; though not the only factor, it nevertheless helps the regression to make possible the representation of the vicodin dream.. I observed that these bottles had labels about their necks, and that these labels hydroxyzine were inscribed Kirschenwaesser.. 3, That now, however, a struggle of repression arose in him, suppressing the hydrocodone libido and changing it into fear, which subsequently took the form of the punishments with which he was then threatened.. The need of extending his acquaintance seemed butalbital to press upon Mr.. Then you'll fight him tooth and nail? she said eagerly; you'll show him up? You'll tell the whole story your own viagra way? You'll give him fits?--and you'll make him pay? Sure? she went on, breathlessly.. As a matter of fact, a altace great number of impressions will soon occur, with which others will associate themselves.. Half way down I viagra met Major Halkit.. Indeed, being of that type which is called shiftless, he was only too happy to be told daily what thyroid to do, and to be charged not to be forthputting or in any way original in his discharge of that duty.. 'Tiz de troof--dat it iz--ebery vord ob penicillin it.. You ain't old enough to call on girls; anybody can see that; valium but I am, and I'm going to call on Champe Claiborne.. Here's what The Post viagra says: 'His conception and portrayal of the old-time Southern colonel, with his absurd grandiloquence, his eccentric garb, his quaint idioms and phrases, his motheaten pride of family, and his really kind heart, fastidious sense of honor, and lovable simplicity, is the best delineation of a character role on the boards to-day.. Yet he was not daunted, only byetta embarrassed...
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salut irmão
vc fala portugues?
if you wanna contact SANY PITBULL
we liked the way you tought about his sound as PROG-BAILE FUNK instead of post ...
let us know more,
best, pitti & pitbull
ai cara, só vi seu comment agora.... meses depois... faz contato cara
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