Pra Inglês Ver

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I have a piece on the current state of Baile Funk in Stylus Magazine this week, so grab it while it's hot. Sent it off last week and - bloody hell! - if they didn't put it on the cover, using a really old photo I took of DJ Marlboro as well - looks good though.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Annnnndddiiiieeeexxxxxx!!My favorite teacherrrrrr...hauhauahu...faz ANOS q vc escreve sobre music, neh??Han han...hauhauahua...mas tah mto bom esse blog aki...e blog eh melhor q flog,neh??
Agora sou fazona do jornalistaaa Anddyyy!hauahua!!Descobriiii o jornalista musicaaallll!hauahua!
Te adoro mtaaaoooo Andyyy...Everybody loves Andiexxx...He is the Besttttt!!
Vou indo entaooo, neh??
Tah um livro esse coment aki, neh??Mas tah melhor do q os seussss!!hauhauha!!
Ano q vem vc vai aturar a tchurma de novuuuu!!Vai aturar a Narexx akiii...
I am going then...
Kisses for youuuu...
100% Metaaaaallllll...botador de pressaooooo!!!
System of Narexx...yeahhhh!!!

7:02 PM  

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